What does Osteoporosis have to do with pooping?

Previously, I discussed my BoneFit training and its potential role in my osteoporosis management plan. Today, I find myself contemplating the incorporation of Yoga for Osteoporosis. Dr. Fishman's approach which aims to use yoga as a treatment for osteoporosis with the aspiration of eventually reducing dependence on medications. This idea is quite appealing, and I am inclined to explore it further.

However, I now view yoga as having a dual purpose: addressing bone density and improving posture. Posture is integral to various bodily functions such as balance, digestion, elimination, and respiratory capacity. These aspects significantly influence our overall well being and quality of life while managing osteoporosis.

How does Posture Impact Bodily Functions?

Observing the changes in posture throughout life, we notice the rib cage tends to tip backward and slowly gets closer to or rests on the pelvis as we age. Besides sounding uncomfortable, this shift can compress the organs between the rib cage and pelvis. Those who have experienced pregnancy might recall the sensation as the baby occupies increasing space in this area.

Research indicates that osteoporotic posture reduces the distance between the lower ribs and pelvic bone, potentially leading to digestive issues and decreased appetite and breathlessness with activity. Consequently, maintaining a balanced diet to slow down bone loss becomes more of an effort.

Elimination may also be affected due to increased compression. Not only does it slow the natural movement of waste through the intestine, but it can also make emptying the bowel more difficult. Poor body alignment during bowel movements can further risk spinal compression and injury. Using aids like a stool under our feet facilitates evacuation of the bowel by helping to relax the pelvic floor muscles, the twists and turns in the bowel that can slow the process and by decreasing the need to strain thus helping to keep the spine safer. Click Here to watch a fun and entertaining description of the Squatty-Potty.

With organs pressing against the diaphragm, individuals may experience breathlessness during physical activities. Additionally, rounding of the rib cage shifts our head forward, increasing the risk of falls because the weight of our head pulls us forward. This imbalance mirrors the head-forward posture of a baby learning to walk, albeit with potentially more severe consequences.

How Do You Envision Your Future Self?

What if We Could Prevent Postural Changes? Consider viewing your strategy for preventing or managing osteoporosis by envisioning the life you desire. It's challenging to prioritize long-term health over immediate concerns, but caring for our future selves is essential. Perhaps you would benefit from some support, guidance or encouragement.

The good news is that Body in Tune offers collaborative solutions to enhance everyday well being.

The Benefits of Yoga

Returning to yoga's two-pronged approach, many of us practice it for stress relief, management of anxiety, or to improve sleep, but it also enhances strength, flexibility, balance, coordination, and posture. Following Dr. Fishman's sequence diligently and with “vigor” may even improve bone density.

Imagine Preventing Fractures by Enhancing Posture

While I enjoy my regular practice of Dr. Fishman's poses, I've started incorporating a sequence specifically targeting postural muscle strength. This includes exercises from BoneFit training and movements to strengthen the shoulders and upper back. Although the yoga I practice and teach may differ from studio versions, I appreciate the efficiency of targeting multiple goals through one activity.

If you're curious, Body in Tune assists clients in designing personalized movement practices.

We're All Busy

Many of us may notice that our time for self-care has decreased and we spend hours on computers or phones or bending over equipment or clients in various professions. It's crucial to counteract these positions and postures to prevent muscle and tissue shortening by also moving our spines in the opposite direction. Incorporating movement into existing activities, termed "habit stacking," simplifies adopting a new movement practice without overwhelming our schedules.

Over time we can see and feel the difference as our body alignment improves, maintaining space between the ribs and pelvis and our head back over our shoulders, we will help ourselves with our bodily functions, our balance and feel stronger and more agile with daily activities. It is all about quality of life.

Body in Tune, LLC was born from a belief that quality of life matters; both life and physical balance matters.

I would welcome the opportunity to be part of your support team regarding your physical well being and osteoporosis. The goal is, after all, to help you feel confident in your body so you can play with your grand children, take that long-dreamed of vacation and get outside and enjoy a walk with friends.

Please help me realize my mission of changing the statistics and decrease the incidence of osteoporotic fractures by sharing this information and my services with your friends and family.

You might be interested in:

  • Yoga with Osteoporosis weekly online class to help you feel strong, flexible, coordinated, agile, less stressed and to help your body learn how to stand and move with better body alignment. Click Here to learn more.

  • A FREE yoga sequence: 5 Poses for Your Back. The practice offers ways to safely loosen up your back when you have osteoporosis so you can go from feeling frustrated and scared to feeling the joy and confidence you want to move safely and trust your body. Click Here to learn more.